Disclaimer and Disclosures
The current documents were prepared by Astris Advisory Japan K.K. (Financial Instruments Business Operator: Kanto Local Finance Bureau No. 3111, Member of the Japan Investment Advisers Association), (henceforth the “Company”) for information purposes only, and is not intended to be an offering for the purchase and/or sale of financial instruments nor the solicitation of such purchase/sale activities. Whilst the document has been prepared based on information and data we believe to be reliable, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, the completeness, nor the timeliness of such information. The Company does not foresee the inclusion in the document of any material non-public information.
The Company has taken every precaution regarding the information provided in the document. Note, however, that the Company cannot be held responsible in any way for any damages that may arise stemming from such factors as source errors and/or third-party data falsification. Based on assessments of current circumstances and forecasts, the document may contain views on the future outlook. Such views, however, may be altered and/or revised by the Company, at any time, without advance notification. The Company has copyright over the contents of this document. To copy, report or transfer this document without permission from our company will be viewed as copyright infringement and is strictly prohibited.